It is not often that I visit a blog, come back the next day, and then keep visiting it every day. And then I ask my friends to visit it too. Brain Pickings is insightful, elegant, expressive, and cherishable; so much so that you may consider the option of donating money to the blog. I did. This is my Brain Pickings review.
You Read About Things That Truly Matter

Every article on Brain Pickings review must come out of the heart, I believe. Brain Pickings is not just another blog with the same cliched content about trending news. Brain Pickings takes excerpts from the lives and works of individuals – writers, artists scientists, poets, and many others who have contributed to the open realm of knowledge and understanding.
I first came across Brain Pickings in a Facebook post – I do not remember what post it was, but it redirected to an article on Jack Kerouac, who also happens to be one of the writers I admire personally. When I arrived on the site, I remember spending a lot of time there. The posts were engaging and it was not just a writer’s rant.
Two great posts are Nietzsche on How to Find Yourself and True Value of Education and Famous Advice on Writing: The Collected Wisdom of Great Writers.
The interface of the blog may disappoint some readers. It has little scope for direct navigation, but the articles are well-linked. You can gain a lot of insights from a single session on Brain Pickings.
Clean and Adfree
Brain Pickings is adfree. In a world where the blogs worship ads, isn’t this nice? A blog that comes with content worth reading and sharing, and has no ads that irritate you – a great benefit to humanity.
They make money through donations. They call it “donating = loving“. Trust me on this, my dear reader: the content is worth donating for. There is also an option to subscribe to their newsletter; they do not spam you, but send you articles that are worth a read.
I also happen to like the message that displays in the newsletter request dialogue box. It doesn’t urge you to subscribe to their newsletter, but tells you why you should.
Content Worth Sharing

There are several blogs I come across on the internet every day. I do not usually spend more than a minute on any of them. The generic content is boring and screams “click bait.” At Brain Pickings, the situation is completely different. An idea is expressed clearly with great images and is linked to content on the site and on other sites.
If a Brain Pickings review has been published on another blog; you may, perhaps, find the content useful. You can read it here. The idea behind Brain Pickings is clearly represented by Maria Papova in the “about” page of Brain Pickings. Read it to find out how what once started as a newsletter turned into a blog with content now widely read and shared across the globe.

In another review of Brain Pickings, a Quora audience was asked about their experience with life-long learning. Since Brain Pickings is a great tool for teachers to teach students, these answers may provide you with some knowledge.
If you have come across this blog before, you will surely have some things to say; let us know in the comments section and we will keep the conversation going. If you feel that there is something that needs to be added to our Brain Pickings review, let us know!
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Happy reading!