If you’re looking for the best online word processor, look no further than Google Docs.
In the past when using a word processor to create a document you had a huge choice of processors. By huge, I mean Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word. And don’t even talk about when and where you could use that word processor. You could use it at home. Offline. Usually only on one device. All while trying to figure out where to save the document so that it would be there when you needed it. Dark times my friends.
These days you’re in luck! Now you can use the best online word processor, Google Docs, just about anywhere using your desktop computer, laptop, tablet,smartphone and your Google account. Of course, there are other online word processors out there like Zoho Writer and even Microsoft Word Online but you’re looking for the best online word processor, right? If so let’s continue with Google Docs!
Why Use an Online Word Processor?
Using an online word processor gives you many advantages over using a word processor tied to your desktop or laptop. The first is the freedom to use the best online word processor from where you are and when you wish! As I was writing this very article, I used my iPad, my Samsung Galaxy smartphone, and my HP laptop. With each piece of equipment, I was in a different place in my town while running errands with my wife. This feature is a great time-saver when you are trying to get your documents all finished, especially on a deadline.

Speaking of my wife, she gets the great thrill of reading my documents to make sure they make some sense. With Google Docs she also has access to my document. This access gives her the ability to view, edit, and comment on the document directly. We are both able to work on the same document real-time! When it comes to collaborating with others in a document, Google Docs is hard to beat.

Viewing your document’s revision history is possible with Google Docs. You always know who made what changes and when. Don’t like the change? No problem, you can roll back to any earlier version.
Other Features.
As with any word processor you can format your document to meet the margins, spacing, colors, and fonts you wish. You can also upload a Word document to Google Docs, or you can download a Google document to your desktop as a Word file. Google Docs even has a tool that can translate your document to a different language.
Best Online Word Processor, Hands Down.
Sure, other online word processors exist, but why waste your time trying out these other processors from companies you have never heard of before? If you’re looking for loads of features and an online word processor that just works, look no further than Google Docs.
Please check out this advanced user guide for tips on using Google Docs.