Patreon gives artists a platform where they can get paid by the people that care the most about their art. There are plenty of tools for creators and many reasons for users to pledge their money. Patreon is the best crowdfunding site for artists because of these reasons and more.
Reddit is quite the experience whether you've been on the site for minutes, days, or years. Despite the amount of posts, reddit still manages to have the best user content on the Internet.
The Hype Machine drops dope electronic mash-ups on the regular. The music blog aggregator service populates its website with music from 701 music blogs and puts the songs to a vote!
8tracks is a free social cloud music playlist service that has been proudly featured on TIME, Wired, and Business Insider. Users upload eight track playlists and then they are put to the vote. Their system leads to high-quality playlists that can be sorted using tags.
Let me put it as bluntly as I can. Spotify is the best music streaming service available across all your favorite devices. You'll find all the latest releases from your favorite artists as they drop. You can create your own playlists and share them with your friends through the service. You can even see what your friends are currently listening to.
YouTube is one of the most popular sites on the net. You can share videos from your computer or even your smart phone. It is no surprise that Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars. YouTube is the best video site mainly because of its popularity, although it is a pretty good site in its own right.