With the job market being as scarce as it is, it is very difficult for a lot of artists, crafters and designers to find decent paying jobs without “selling their soul” or taking that minimum-wage job just to make a living. Some people just don’t realize how talented they really are while they are slaving away frying up french fries or serving customers drinks. Most people have creative skills, they just don’t realize it and waste their time doing things that, while actually making money, don’t do much for their soul or for the rest of the world. This is where sites like Etsy come into play. Etsy is designed specifically for artisans who want to share their creativity without spending a fortune or knowing how to create extensive HTML pages. Etsy has the best user made products available for sale, and you can be one of the sellers.
What is Etsy?

Etsy is a website designed for crafters to show their work and to try to make some money in the practice. Their motto is “Etsy is the marketplace we make together.” Their mission is “to reimagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world.” This means that designers come together to share their craftsmanship with the rest of the world and to help others find their unique creativity when putting together the best user made products. While other sites have ways to sell their items, Etsy.com is the only website directed entirely to selling handmade items. You won’t find any mass-produced clothing or jewelry here, it is all made by people who take pride in what they do. Almost everything you find will be one of a kind.
How do I know that I am skilled enough to make my own items?

Everyone has a creative side to them, they just need to find it. I started buying charms for my necklaces, when I realized that I didn’t have any earrings to go with them. After researching, I found that there wasn’t anything that I really wanted and that I could just design and make my own. That’s when I first started my page and realized just how easy it was to create my own jewelry and even sell some of the pieces. Although not everyone will be making their own designer earrings, they can find exactly what fuels their inner creative juices just by looking around them. Think about what you really like to do and what you can do to create something out of it. For instance; if you love to draw, try creating a picture and post it on Etsy. It only takes a few minutes to upload a picture and write out a few sentences about your pictures. Etsy doesn’t allow HTML or code, so everyone is on equal ground when it comes to the descriptions of what they are selling. No matter what you decide to sell, just make sure that it is something that you are proud of, that it is something that you would not be ashamed of giving away as a gift, or (as my motto goes) don’t ever sell anything that you would not consider buying for yourself. Make sure your creations quality as some of the best user made products out there!